Welcome To Shree Open University of Health Science

Chairman's Message (Dr. R.Ashish Yadav (Chairman)

Welcome to the Shree Open University of Health Science. It gives me immense pleasure to present a profile of the college. Education is essential to the economic, social, environmental, and political well being of an individual, the community, and the nation. All individuals sold be should be treated with dignity and respect, given opportunities to develop their aptitudes and insights, and afforded equal opportunities to equip themselves for a fulfilling life and responsible citizenship. We are committed to offering high-quality education at an affordable cost. Our highly qualified faculty, rigorous academic program, and vibrant atmosphere provide the perfect palace for you to continue your education. I invite you to take advantage of the opportunities offered at the Shree Open University of Health Science.

Our Profile

Shree Open University of Health Science is registered in Delhi under the SR Act 1860, Section 21. The core intent of the Shree Open University of Health Science promotes all over India. The objective of the Shree Open University of Health Science is to ensure that educational opportunities for the development of Primary Health Care

Our Vision

To recognize ourselves in the leadership position among the best center for excellence in education, training, practice, and research to meet the challenges concerned with human health.

Our Mission

The Shree Open University of Health Science is to prepare students to contribute to a global society and diverse workforce as productive, responsible, and engaged citizens and as well-educated Health care professionals.

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